International Network for Environmental & Humanitarian Cooperation (iNehc), Nonprofit Inc., Tokyo
一般社団法人国際環境協力ネットワークはパキスタン・ヌスラトジャハーン大学ナシール教育文化振興財団に協力して、地球環境基金の助成を受けて、「パキスタン・チニオット地域における地下水資源保全と適正利用に関する参加型アプローチによる地域コミュニティのエンパワーメント」プロジェクトを開始いたしました。The Project for Empowering the Local Community to Protect Groundwater for Health through a Participatory Approach in District Chiniot, Pakistan has been launched under the international cooperation by Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) and International Network for Environmental and Humanitarian Cooperation (iNehc), Nonprofit Inc., Tokyo.
プロジェクト名: パキスタン・チニオット地域における地下水資源保全と適正利用に関する参加型アプローチによる地域コミュニティのエンパワーメント (The Project for Empowering the Local Community to Protect Groundwater for Health through a Participatory Approach in District Chiniot, Pakistan)
実施機関: パキスタン・ヌスラトジャハーン大学ナシール教育文化振興財団 (Nasir Foundation, Nusrat Jahn College, Pakistan)
実施体制: Project Director Mr. Mirza Fazal Ahmad (Nasir Foundation)
Project Manager Dr. Mirza Naseer Ahmad (Nusrat Jahan College)
助成: 独立行政法人環境再生保全機構 地球環境基金 (Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE), Environmental Conservation and Restoration Agency (ERCA), Kawasaki, Japan)
日本代理人: 一般社団法人国際環境協力ネットワーク 代表理事 吉田充夫 (Dr. Mitsuo Yoshida, Director/CEO, International Networkk for Environmental and Humanitarian Network)
COVID-19パンデミックのもと、2020年4月からはパキスタンにおいても多くの都市がロックダウンを行い外出が制限されるようになりました。学校や大学も閉鎖を余儀なくされ、ヌスラト・ジャハーン大学も授業を遠隔で行うなどの事態となりました。そのため、本プロジェクトにおいても当初計画を大幅に変更し、調査や住民意識啓発活動は実施せず、インターネット配信によるWebinarやポスターを使った水・環境キャンペーン、公衆衛生(Hand Wash)キャンペーンを行いました。
Under the COVID-19 pandemic, many cities in Pakistan have been blocked and restricted since April 2020. Schools and universities were forced to close, and Nusrat Jahan College also held classes in remote operation. Therefore, in this project as well, the original implementation plan was significantly changed, and without conducting surveys or local awareness raising activities, we carried out water & environment campaigns and public health (hand washing) campaigns using webins and posters.
In 2021, the situation has gradually improved, and field surveys, electrical exploration, sampling, bunsei and analysis, dialogues with local residents, workshops, seminars, etc. have been held while taking due consideration to infection prevention.
Water Project Online Seminar on Monsoon and Aphid (モンスーンとアブラムシ)
4th August 2021
Presentator: Arifa Younus
Participants: 21
Teachers: 33
Water Project Online Seminar on How to filter Water from Air(どのようにして空気中から水を取り出すか?)
11th August 2021
Presentator: Nastasha Ayoub
Participants: 23
Teachers: 3
SYMPOSIUM ON Water Contamination in District Chiniot and It’s Remedies
(March 20, 2021)
9:00 am to 9:10 am Welcome
address, Background & Introduction by Dr. Mirza Naseer Ahmad
9:10 am to 9:25 am Welcome Message by Ms. Satomi Takeuchi (JFGE-ERCA, Japan)
9:25 am to 9:40 am Situation Analysis of Awareness on Quality and Use of Water by Community
by Ms Rashida
Sultana (Nusrat Jahan College)
9:40 am to 10:00 am A Pilot Study on the Detection of Heavy Metal Ions In the Vegetables Produced in the Kirana Hills Region by Dr. Amtul Jameel Samee (University of Punab)
10:00 am to 10:20 am Designing and
Fabrication of Paper Based DNA Biosensing Platform for the Detection of E.coli in the Water Samples by Dr. Amtul Jameel Samee (University of Punjab)
10:20 am to 10:50 am Characterization of Trace Elements in Groundwater, District Chiniot
by Dr. Mitsuo
Yoshida (iNhec, Japan)
10:50 am to 11:10 am Monitoring of Metal Based Endocrine Disruptors in Biological Samples: Case Study of Chiniot by Dr. Shazia Iftikhar (Fatima Jinnah University)
11:10 am to 11:30 am Resistivity Survey in Kirana Hill Region
by Dr. Mirza Naseer Ahmad
(Abdus Salam School of Sciences, Nusrat Jahan College)
SYMPOSIUM ON Water Contamination in District Chiniot and It’s Remedies
(March 20, 2021)
9:00 am to 9:10 am Welcome
address, Background & Introduction by Dr. Mirza Naseer Ahmad
9:10 am to 9:25 am Welcome Message by Ms. Satomi Takeuchi (JFGE-ERCA, Japan)
9:25 am to 9:40 am Situation Analysis of Awareness on Quality and Use of Water by Community
by Ms Rashida
Sultana (Nusrat Jahan College)
9:40 am to 10:00 am A Pilot Study on the Detection of Heavy Metal Ions In the Vegetables Produced in the Kirana Hills Region by Dr. Amtul Jameel Samee (University of Punab)
10:00 am to 10:20 am Designing and
Fabrication of Paper Based DNA Biosensing Platform for the Detection of E.coli in the Water Samples by Dr. Amtul Jameel Samee (University of Punjab)
10:20 am to 10:50 am Characterization of Trace Elements in Groundwater, District Chiniot
by Dr. Mitsuo
Yoshida (iNhec, Japan)
10:50 am to 11:10 am Monitoring of Metal Based Endocrine Disruptors in Biological Samples: Case Study of Chiniot by Dr. Shazia Iftikhar (Fatima Jinnah University)
11:10 am to 11:30 am Resistivity Survey in Kirana Hill Region
by Dr. Mirza Naseer Ahmad
(Abdus Salam School of Sciences, Nusrat Jahan College)
Harmful effects of eutrophication
2021年2月24日に、「富栄養化の有害な影響」と題するオンラインセミナーを開催しました。参加者は52名でうち3名は教員でした。講師はAreeba Danishさんでした。
Surface Water Pollution
2021年1月21日に「表流水の水質汚濁」と題するオンライン・セミナーを開催しました。参加者は27名で、うち 4名は教員でした。講師はImama Waseemさんでした。
Heavy Metal Contamination in Water
2021年1月27日に、「重金属による水質汚染」と題するオンライン・セミナーを開催しました。参加者は 34名でうち 2名が教員でした。講師はHafiza Ghazala Zaheerさんでした。
Farming Methods to Control Water Pollution
2020年12月9日に、「水質汚染を防止するための農業用水利用法」と題するオンライン・セミナーを開催しました。参加者は 45名で、うち教員は 6名でした。講師は Ayesha Ahmadさんでした。
Flood Management Techniques
2020年12月16日に、「洪水制御技術」と題するオンライン・セミナーを開催しました。参加者は 58名で、うち教員は 5名でした。講師は Khullat Komelさんでした。
Storm Water Pollution
2020年11月19日に、「豪雨の薄いによる水質汚濁」と題するオンライン・セミナーを開催しました・参加者は20名で打ち教員は1名でした。講師は Saima Nudratさんでした。
Septic System
2020年11月25日に、「汚水処理システム」と題するオンライン・セミナーを開催しました。参加者は42名でうち教員は4名でした。講師は、Sidra Mariyamさんでした。
Dengue Fever
2020年10月28日に、「デング熱ー水と蚊を媒介とする伝染病」と題するオンライン・セミナーを開催しました。参加者は 23名で、うち教員は5名出席しました。講師はNomana Mansoorさんでした。
Effects of Heavy Metals on Human Health
2020年11月4日に、「重金属の健康に与える影響」と題するオンライン・セミナーを開催しました。参加者は30名で、うち5名が教員でした。Nomana Sattarさんが講師でした。
Dengue – A Water Related Disease
Dengue – A Water Related Disease (Webinar)
Date = 23 September 2020
Total strength = 28
Total Teachers = 07
Presenter = Ragheeba Sehar
Modern Controlled Drainage
Modern Controlled Drainage (Webinar)
Date = 2 September 2020
Total strength = 43
Total Teachers = 07
Presenter = Kashaf Urooj (BS Bot 7th semester)
Water and Energy
Water and Energy (Webinar)
Date = 9 September 2020
Total strength = 40
Total Teachers = 03
Presenter = Asma Waheed
Easy and Cheap Ways to Reduce and Manage Water Pollution
Easy and Cheap Ways to Reduce and Manage Water Pollution (Webinar)
DATE = 12 August 2020
Total strength = 55
Total teachers = 07
Presenter = Shumaila Fazal (Bs Geography 5th semester)
Typhoid and Water Contamination
Typhoid and Water Contamination (Webinar)
DATE = 19 August 2020
Total strength = 44
Total teachers = 06
Presenter = Hafiza Ayesha Satwat (Bs botany 7th semester)
Water Reclamation and Reuse
Water Reclamation and Reuse (Webinar)
DATE = 1st July 2020
Total strength = 45
Total teachers = 6
Presenter= Safia Tanzeel (Bs Geography 5th semester)
Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources
2020年7月15日に「水資源に対する気候変動の影響」と題して教職員7名、学生43名の参加のもとWebina- を開催しました。
Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources (Webinar)
DATE = 15 July 2020
Total strength = 43
Total teachers = 7
Presenter = Rizwana Mubasher (Bs botany 7th semester)
2020 World Environment Day
A commemorative event for World Environment Day was held on June 5th 2020. There were 45 participants.
Webinar on Water as Non Renewable Resource
On June 10th, a webinar on "Water Resources as a Non Renewable Resource" was held. 76 people participated.
Water and Health Poster
As a result of the Phase 1 Project, it was found that the groundwater in the Chiniot area is contaminated with microorganisms. Therefore, heat disinfection is required for drinking.
Mar. 23, 2021
Operation qualification in Lab
Date: 23-03-2021
Duration: 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Topic: Operational qualification ( Checking of terminal )
Way of communication: Google meet
Guest: Zahid Nadeem Bhatti
Attended by: Rashida Sultana, Madeeha Irum
Mar. 20, 2021
Preparation of equipment list
Date: 20-03-2021
Duration: 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Topic: Preparation of equipment list
Way of communication: Google meet
Guest: Zahid Nadeem Bhatti
Attended by: Rashida Sultana
Dec. 13, 2020
Training Lab registration and documentation
Date: 13-12-2020 to 19-12-2020
Importance of lab documentation
Types of lab qualification
Guest: Zahid Nadeem Bhatti (From Germany)
Attended by: Rashida Sultana, Madiha Iram, Shakeela
Duration: 4-6
Venue: Nusrat Jahan College
Jan. 2, 2021
Training Lab registration and documentation
Date: 02-01-2021
Topic: Installation qualification (System qualification)
Way of communication: Google meet
Guest: Zahid Nadeem Bhatti (From Germany)
Attended by: Rashida Sultana,Madiha Iram, Shakeela
Tasks completed: Document discussed and prepared (page 11-14)
Duration: 4:00pm to 5:15pm
Jan. 9, 2021
Training Lab registration and documentation
Date: 09-01-2021
Duration: 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Topic: Installation qualification ( Checking of technical documentation)
Way of communication: Google meet
Guest: Zahid Nadeem Bhatti (From Germany)
Attended by: Rashida Sultana
Tasks completed: Document discussed and prepared (page 14-16)
Jan. 16, 2021
Training Lab registration and documentation
Date: 16-01-2021
Duration: 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Topic: Installation qualification (Checking of technical documentation- Evidence of training)
Way of communication: Google meet
Guest: Zahid Nadeem Bhatti
Attended by: Rashida Sultana, Madiha Irum, Shakeela
Tasks completed: Document discussed and prepared (page 18-19)
Jan. 23, 2021
Training Lab registration and documentation
Date: 23-01-2021
Duration: 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Topic: Installation qualification (Checking of technical documentation-Verification of installation of the analytical system)
Way of communication: Google meet
Guest: Zahid Nadeem Bhatti
Attended by: Rashida Sultana, Madiha Irum, Shakeela
Tasks completed: Document discussed and prepared (page 19-20)